I am thankful for a pair of shoes that feel really good on my feet. I like my shoes.
I am thankful for the birds; I feel like they are singing just for me when I get up in the morning, saying 'Good morning, John, you made it, John'.
I am thankful for the sea breeze that feels so good right now, and the scent of jasmine when the sun starts going down.
Whether you are famous or unknown, young or old, rich or poor, gratitude is an attitude that can be cultivated by all and it bears a rich harvest of joy, peace and perspective. Carrying on with the counting . . .
797. Bullfrogs croaking in the cool morning air
798. Rain pelting loudly on skylight windows . . . being safely tucked inside
799. A big sleepy dog that sticks close to me all evening and night
800. A trip to the garden centre for spring colour
801. Help overcoming a "ticked-off" attitude . . . poor customer service really gets me going
802. The park in spring . . . thousands of bulbs arrayed in glorious garb
803. Nature's wonders . . . a faithful mate. This fellow stuck with his lady love when all the other ducks in the
pond went off on a grand adventure
804. Happenings in bunches that remind me who I am to Him and this song on youtube . . .
Remind Me Who I Am by Jason Gray
805. Things that just make you smile . . . a young lady crossing the street on a shiny, girly scooter, wearing tights with slashes in them and carrying a pink and silver purse.
806. Snuggly kittens lapping up the love . . . the lessons they teach you.
807. Checking the mail and finding this . . .
808. When I can't go I can give, when I can't give I can pray. There is always a way to be involved in the work
of the kingdom.
809. Singing in the car at the top of my lungs
810. Bags of "Free Kale" at church . . . making some kale chips tonight
811. What is impossible for man is possible for God
812. Teenage girls standing in the rain, face up and arms outstretched